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a town in the mountains

Partnership with Årdal Energi

Hydro Rein has signed a letter of intent with Årdal Energi to develop renewable energy projects in Årdal.







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Anställda på Hydro Årdal smältverk

The aim of the agreement is to map industrial power need and potential for power development in the region.

Advanced green industrial cluster 

The two companies are working to identify energy solutions which can contribute to strengthening existing in industry in Årdal as well as attract new industrial ventures. Årdal is one of the most advanced green industrial clusters in Norway, with significant potential in the coming years. 

Norsk Hydro has been producing primary aluminium in Årdal since 1986. The site also includes a casthouse, delivering sheet ingot and foundry alloys, and carbon production. In addition, Hydro operates one of the industry's leading research centers in Årdal. European car manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and Polestar have all discovered low-carbon aluminium from Hydro and Årdal.  

Energy efficiency measures 

In addition to potential new production, Hydro Rein is also working on reducing energy efficiency projects. The company is currently rolling out energy efficiency measures at Hydro’s five primary aluminium plants in Norway, including in Årdal. 

Årdal Energi Holding AS is fully owned by Årdal municipality. The group aims to be a driving force to secure and develop renewable energy and infrastructure for citizens and local business in Årdal.

The partnership with Årdal Energi is not part of the announced joint venture between Hydro and Macquarie Asset Management. This project and similar projects close to Hydro’s smelters will continue to be developed and owned by Hydro together with local partners. Hydro Rein’s organization will support Hydro in developing these projects.