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Energy storage

Our energy storage systems provides flexibility to manage when and how energy is used in the most cost-effective way.

At Hydro Rein, we are committed to contributing to the renewable energy landscape with innovative solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries worldwide. Our focus? Energy storage solutions that don't just meet today's demands but anticipate tomorrow's challenges. 


Why Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage matters 

In an era defined by sustainability and efficiency, energy storage solutions are game-changers for industrials. They help streamline operations and shrink environmental impact by allowing energy consumption to be timed separately from production. And guess what? They are the only technology that can store and release energy on the grid. Talk about exciting innovation for a greener, more efficient future!


Revenue and cost opportunities

  • Demand Management: Efficiently manage energy consumption by "peak shaving," strategically storing excess energy during low-demand periods and deploying it during peak times, thereby reducing reliance on expensive grid power.
  • Energy Arbitrage: Capitalize on price differentials across day-ahead and intra-day markets, enabling savvy portfolio management and mitigating retail profile risks. Leverage stored energy when prices are low and sell back during high-price periods to optimize energy costs and enhance profitability.
  • Ancillary Services: Provide essential grid support services, such as frequency regulation and reserve capacity, helping grid operators manage fluctuations in demand and supply. Whether through market-based mechanisms like FCR, aFRR, and mFRR, or upcoming DSO markets, energy storage plays a pivotal role in ensuring grid stability and reliability.
  • Cost Avoidance: Use as a buffer against variable renewable energy production with low market value or the risk of curtailment and penalties. Absorbing excess renewable energy during periods of oversupply and avoid costly penalties.
  • Backup Power: Safeguard against disruptions in power supply, ensuring reliable access to stored power during grid instabilities or outages. Energy storage enhances operational resilience and protects against potential losses due to downtime, promoting both safety and business continuity. 



Energy Storage Solutions at Hydro Rein 

At Hydro Rein, we specialize in uncovering these diverse revenue opportunities for energy storage solutions, recognizing that market opportunities and customer profiles vary significantly. With our deep understanding of energy markets and regulations across different regions, we are equipped to identify and capitalize on revenue potential in our core markets.


Our customer-centric approach ensures that we tailor energy storage strategies to meet the specific needs and objectives of your business. Whether that is participating in demand management programs, energy arbitrage or providing ancillary services. By leveraging our market insights and customizing solutions for maximum impact, we empower you to thrive financially while contributing to a sustainable energy future. 

We do not just provide energy storage solutions; we empower industries to embrace a sustainable, resilient future. Join us in revolutionizing the way businesses manage energy. Get in touch with us today to explore how our tailored solutions can transform your industry. 



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